Wednesday, April 25, 2012

All of the proofs from the Newfoundland Club of New England's Draft Test this past weekend are uploading to the website and will be available momentarily. Let me know if you have any questions or comments, and I hope you enjoy looking at these photos as much as I enjoyed creating them.  Thank you to all the club members and participants for allowing me to share and capture their day!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hello all, well my first outdoor agility trial of the season is in the books ( ACT Up NADAC Trial in Wrentham, MA) and what a weekend it was, gorgeous weather, great people and amazing dogs, all having a blast together.  The proofs are all available on the website and I'll post a few faves here for you all to enjoy.  Let me know what you think!  Hope to see you and your dogs running soon!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New Portrait Packages!  New Low Prices for 2012!!!

In an effort to allow more people to take advantage of the wonderful memories which professional portraits capture of their four-footed best friends, I have lowered my portrait fee from $150 to just $100!!  This lowered fee includes all the benefits you've come to expect from a professional portrait session - up to 2 hours of shooting time at your home, an outdoor location of your choosing, or in the studio, an online ordering gallery, and a wide range of options to display your treasured images. In addition to traditional photographic prints,  I also offer wonderful canvases, collages, hardbound books, metal prints, the choices are endless. You also receive complimentary web-resolution files of all images ordered as 8x10's or larger. 

Some Special Offers:

Puppy Package:  Two sessions for the price of one!!!  Now you can capture your new baby at his or her squishable, adorable best with a session before your pup is 6 months of age and  then another any time before your pup turns 2 to showcase your baby all grown up.

Golden Years Package:  25% off your session fee, so only $75 dollars for your full session, including a $20 credit towards your print or digital order.

Breeder Package:  Multiple sessions of your litter and they grow before your eyes.  A combination of "natural" and studio photos (in your home) are possible.  Pricing depends on how many sessions you book, the more sessions, the lower the price.  And Gift Certificates are available for a reduced price to send home with your new puppy buyers as a great gift.

2012 Schedule

Here are the events that I am currently scheduled to photograph this season.  I'm always adding new events, so check back often and if you or your club have an event you would like photographed, please contact me and we'll add you to the schedule!

April 14-15       ACT-Up NADAC Agility Trial, Wrentham, MA
April 21-22       NCNE Draft Test, Auburn, MA
April 28-29       K9 Logix USDAA Agility Trial, Greenfield, MA

May 4-6            CRFTC Spring Field Trial, Woodstock, CT
May 12-13        ACT Up CPE Agility Trial, Seekonk, MA
May 26-27        GONE AKC Lure Coursing Trial, Granville,  MA

June 2-3            NEMA AKC Agility Trial, Westford, MA
June 8-10          CATS USDAA Agility Trial,  Keene, NH
June 15-17        CPE Nationals, Altamount, NY

July 13-15         USDAA Eastern Regionals, Greenfield, MA

August 11-12    ASCNE Stock Trial, Webster, NH
August 25-26    NCNE Water Test, Sturbridge, MA

Sept. 1-2           ARFF USDAA Agility Trial, Westford, MA
Sept. 15-16       CATS CPE Agility Trial, Keene, NH

October 5-7      Berkshire Belgian Tervuren/Western Mass. Shetland Sheepdog Club AKC Agility
                         Trial, Westfield, MA
October 12-14  Harvest Moon Mania -- Herding Trials, Westfield, MA

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Beach Party

Here are some more photos taken at a recent group session at the beach -- one of my favorite portrait locations. This was after one of the recent storms and the surf was definitely up!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Published Works -- New Book Illustrated by Donna Kelliher Photography

I am proud to announce the publication of the "Everything Dog Training and Tricks Book" which is exclusively illustrated with photographs by Donna Kelliher Photography!!! These were all new, studio photos commissioned by the publisher featuring dogs performing a myriad of tricks and illustrating various training scenarios. It was a blast to photograph and I would like to thank all my willing canine models and their human counterparts for their assistance in this endeavor -- including my two Goldens, Casey and Rio, who are featured in several photos, including my favorite, "gimme a kiss"(see sidebar for photo). This is a wonderful book for both the novice and experienced dog trainer and features lots of fun tricks to teach your dog on those rainy days.